Net Doctor - Mike Talks Garlic the bona-fide health food hero
12 proven health benefits of garlic
From tackling the common cold to fighting chronic disease, garlic is a bona-fide health food hero..
Founder of Vitmedics.com Mike Wakeman talks to Netdoctor.

Vitmedics in the Daily Mirror
Read founder Mike Wakemans article in the Daily Mirror : .. Millions of Britons take statins to reduce their risk of heart disease, however these cholesterol-lowering drugs also reduce absorption of coenzyme Q10, which cells need for growth and repair.

Vitmedics.com features in the Daily Express
Founder and Expert Michael Wakeman talks in the Daily Express about how hundreds of over the counter medicines disrupt the absorption of vitamins and minerals, putting millions of us at increased risk of medicated malnourishment.
Read the full article online

Medicines like the Pill, aspirin and antibiotics have hidden side-effects
Many drugs, from painkillers, statins and the Pill to HRT and antibiotics, can deplete vitamins, minerals and other good guys - here's how to protect your nutrient levels.

Report highlights how medicines, lifestyle and diet are “killing” women’s nutrient levels
A new report highlights the extent to which medicines, lifestyle and poor diet are “killing” vitamin and mineral levels, leading to potentially serious health issues for women.
A Review of the Effects of Oral Contraceptives on Nutrient Status, with Especial Consideration to Folate in UK
Oral contraceptives (OCs) are widely used by a significant number of women, often commencing at early adolescence. Whilst most research has investigated the physiological effects of OCs, some studies have identified impacts upon nutritional status of certain vitamins and minerals.
Development of an evidence based, interactive database to quantitatively assess the impact of medication on the nutrient status of patients
A tool that enables rapid assessment of the impact medication/s might have upon micronutrient status through an easy to understand report of summary findings.
An Interactive Database to Quantitatively Assess the Impact of Medication on Nutrient Status
The use of medication amongst sportsmen and women is commonplace, to both control and manage chronic conditions such as asthma which might impact upon performance and also aid recovery from injury.
Development of an evidence based, interactive database to quantitatively assess the impact of medication on the nutrient status of patients pre-and post-bariatric surgery
Significant numbers of patients, prior and subsequent to bariatric surgery are deficient in micronutrients with guidelines in place to manage this situation. Many patients also require medication/s, often from different classes to control co-morbidities.

Growing the female health category
The majority of your customers are women, so it makes sense to make sure you are up to date with the latest advice and treatments on the specific health issues that affect them.

Diabetes: Is THIS drug hiding a deadly secret?
EVERY year, 20 million prescriptions are written for metformin, a glucose-lowering medicine taken by 90 per cent of the three million Britons diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes.